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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: In your opinion what is the most important skill in shooting /hunting with trad gear!  (Read 6380 times)

Offline Bill Turner

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Patience and concentration.

Offline Jeff Strubberg

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Most important skill?  Observation.

Most inportant trait? Patience.
"Teach him horsemanship and archery, and teach him to despise all lies"          -Herodotus

Offline KSdan

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I agree with Rob- two different set of skills.  With that said- I think we put WAY too much emphasis on the "form" idea (I know some would disagree with me!)

The reason I went to trad decades ago was my experience as a collegiate athlete.  Watch golfers, basketball players, quarterbacks, etc.  Believe me, I have taught the fundamentals in a variety of sports; but beyond basic/simple fundamentals, no two athletes look the same!  The goal is personal consistency and confidence, NOT PERFECT form!
No two scenarios in the woods are the same- and I rarely worry about position, angle, etc.  I hear guys talk about hitting high from stands, bending at the waist, etc.  I have never worried about any of that.  Like my basketball and football days- lean left, lean right, fade away, etc. etc,-  After the basics (knowing your equip., consistent anchor, good release, trust), the rest is a "head" game.  Any kid can make a free-throw.  Now take that same kid with the last few seconds when the game is on the line.  FORM has LITTLE to do with it at that point!  Think about that!  He can hit it all day in his driveway- his form is fine!  It is a different set of skills to shoot under pressure.  And that is precisely what we need as hunters.

I find few trad archers who even train/practice the "brain skills" needed to shoot when the pressure is on.  I just think we try too hard to get the perfect form.  I watch guys do it all the time, changing this and that.  What most of us need is to train our brains as suggested by Jay Kidwell's book and other sports psychs.  The difference between one pro and another is NOT form; it is their ability to control their thinking when the time counts.  

My 2C

Dan in KS
If we're not supposed to eat animals ... how come they're made out of meat? ~anon

Bears can attack people- although fewer people have been killed by bears than in all WWI and WWII combined.

Offline ronnyg

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Offline Pinecone

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Gosh...that's a tough one.  I think it's a toss up between consistent form and complete concentration at the aim,release and follow through.  


Offline DELTA

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I think 80% mental 20% physical if your mind is controlled the rest will come together.  :knothead:    :knothead:

Offline Rick James

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Gettin Close!
"The credit goes to him who is in the arena, whose face is marred by sweat and blood, who, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat." T Roosevelt

Offline Benny Nganabbarru

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Perseverance, knowledge and skill to stalk close or set-up a close shot at the right angle, the right wind, and familiarity with shooting through thousands of arrows down the practice range.
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Offline Ken Taylor

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Not a skill but what I think makes everyone better...EXPERIENCE!
May your next adventure lighten your heart, test your spirit, and nourish your soul.

Offline Bjorn

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Tuning equipment and stalking.

Offline adeeden

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I'm a terible shot! So for me my most important shooting skill is knowing my limitations. On the contary I am a pretty good woodsman (if I have to say so myself  :saywhat:  ) and that lets me be patient and confident in hunting situations to get within my effective range where I am 100% confident of my shot.   :saywhat:
"I would rather be lucky then good, any day!"

Offline Bonebuster

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If I had to choose ONE most important skill in hunting, it would have to be the ability to hit what you want when the time comes.

We do everything we can to get a shot opportunity, and it all means nothing if we can`t hit the spot when needed.

Offline cheech1

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have fun . if you do not get an animal on the groud who really cares.
for me it's all about being in the outdoors having fun.
the day that i'm upset about not grassing an animal is the day i give it up.

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