"The most successful traditional bowwhunter of our times does nothing special. No EFOC, extra weight, or special single bevel broadheads.. Just a meat & potatoes, relatively inexpensive, everyday Joe setup, in the hands of an extremely capable hunter/archer...."
Fred is the one in the spotlight right now, but there are a lot of very successful bowhunters nowadays, who don't use any special, EFOC, buildup.
Chris says, "his front of center is pretty low?"
Compared to whose rules? 8^))))))))). His front of center is what nearly all bowhunters used for decades, and have done very well. Better than very well.
In the 1960's we understood mass, perfect arrow flight, and sharp broadheads....and the ability to hit the right spot. That formula still does the job on any game you will ever hunt....including very large stuff. Of course Dr. Ashby's study has merit and is still a work in progress. There is more than one way of doing things; however, one does not negate the value of the other.....