hmmm house cats, I picked up trapping this year, because of the low population, and I thought it was due to a high pop of yotes or foxes, both of which I had seen sign, but even though I had some really close calls with foxes this season. No dice, made me rethink my theory. I caught 3 wild cats though. I say wild, they have no owner. They are wild, they live in different abandoned groundhog holes. fortunatly none were injured. But makes me wonder how much of a hurtin they are laying down. Always next year I suppose, I think the snow will ruin the rest of my season. I cant really get out and they are nowhere to be found, I dont think the wabbits like being burried under 4 foot of snow??? On the up side the grouse are back on the incline out west from me! Actually saw some this year, lol. They are still really smart(you northern guys are prolly laughin at that), and they are stupid up north, but these ones down south here in MD will spot you better than the turkeys will!