I found this looking for information on footing and discovered that the 2117 fits the Beman ICS Bowhunter 400 perfectly. I just footed a test arrow with superglue and will be using a strong epoxy for the rest.
I recieved 8 arrows from a friend. My buddy bought a crossbow on cl from a fellow who's father had passed, and he gave us all these 2117 arrows as well. I was delighted when I found that by cutting them to 30" I could shoot them from my bow after I put feathers on them, and since then as I've learned to shoot I've been beating these up as I progressed and began missing the target less and less.
I'm smitten that I'll be able to re-cycle these free arrows into footings and making my nice carbons hardier!
At any rate, is there a table somewhere that says what aluminum arrows fit what carbons, aside from the one at the top of here? I think such a table would be very useful.
I am very new to this all and it took me until I watched this video above to figure out what footings were, and after having broken about 6 carbons in the past 2 months to the front splintering I think it's absulutely brilliant! That video and this thread made my day, I'm just an average guy, I can't afford to be breaking 2 dozen carbons a year.