1. What was the arrow material?--
Aluminum "T-6 Eliminators"
2. Was this a promotional stunt for Black Swan bows?
-- No. The article says Arvid shot a bow "of his own make", but it says nothing of BS. I doubt BS Archery was in existence at that time. The other fellow shot a Hoyt recurve.
3. Is it just me or does this seem like shooting fish in a barrel? 20 feet that is less than 7 yards? Any person can stack arrows at 7 yards, and it you have say 6 arrows within a 1" area, that increases your chances of robin hooding 600%???
-- Guess it depends on your point of view. To me, shooting a bow for 24 hours with 10-minute breaks (don't know how often the breaks were) is the "feat", not the robin-hoods. I have no doubt there are archers today that could beat that number in less than 24 hours, by themselves. Don't know of any that could keep shooting for 24 hours though. Kinda' like the old dance marathons--the winners wouldn't win any prizes for style, they just managed to stay on their feet for a long time.
Not to down anyones acheivments but I can easily break that record of 8000 9" disks, at ten yards.
-- That was more impressive to me. I dont' think I could come close to making over 10,000 shots in 22 hours, much less hit anything after the first few hundred. Shooting that many arrows in that time frame would be tougher than you realize. He had to average a shot every 7.9 seconds for 22 hours straight (if I did my math right--22 hours = 1,320 minutes = 79,200 seconds divided by 10,022 shots = 7.9026).
My guess is the biggest obstacle to this record being broken is cost.