I read your other introduction post and it seems you are new to archery...that being said, unless you are built like "sasquatch"..70lbs is a LOT of bow to start with!
I am not trying to insult, but that is way too much bow for a beginner!
Get a much lighter bow, and I mean MUCH lighter and work on your form for a while!
When the form gets perfect, then work your way up to that much weight.
Unless you are hunting elephants, 70 is way too much in my opinion unless you are built to handle it, 70 lbs on a trad bow is much different than 70 on a compound, trad bows don't have any letoff.
If you are new to trad shooting, find a light bow, 25-35lbs and work on your form first, poundage doesn't mean a thing if it isn't controlled, and 50 to 55 will kill anything in North America.
Oops, I just had to edit this, I didn't read your other post all the way through, I didn't know you had a lighter bow to start with.
Many apologies my friend, I was wrong.
I can't help with arrow choice, I can't shoot a 70lb bow!! LOL.