There are some circumstances where the best broadheads should be used, but for most hunting situations, just about any good broadhead will work. I have about $750 worth of the ABS Ashby broadheads, and for large, dangerous animals they are worth the expense. For deer, hogs, turkeys, elk, etc., a broadhead that costs 1/4 or less of the price of a $30 Ashby, Nanuck, Samurai or Silver Flame will get the job done. For Asian buffalo, cape buffalo, hippo, elephant, brown bear or other big, bad animals $30 is a cheap way of helping to be sure you get the best result possible. If you are spending $15,000 or more on a hunt, why worry about the cost of $30 broadheads? So, what are you hunting? The real question you should be asking is not whether the broadheads are worth the price (they are) but instead whether you need that kind of broadhead for the task you want to accomplish.