I got out for five days of Stag hunting this past week. This trip was more about scouting and learning the area, but I was hoping to let an arrow go. This was my first trip to this ranch. This area is around 25k acres. Which is made up of a 5k acre farm on the eastern border with 20k of eucalyptus and pine plantation to the west. I hiked in around 5 miles and set up camp on the edges of the farm lands. There was small patch of native forest scattered about. I learned this is a tuff area to hunt. The Roar (rut) is over so the Stags are not moving much now. They were spending all but the first 45 minute of daylight in the forest lands. Hunting the forest lands is almost impossible, as they are thick with a really good layer of leafs and dry sticks on the ground. Making it impossible to move quietly. It rain for four day strait, so hunting water holes was not effective either. I did see 4 cows and two bulls. one 3x3 and a 3x4, either of which were very big, but either would have filled my freezer. I was able to get within 40 yards of the 3x4 before the wind shifted (read as I miss read the wind) and blow the stalk. But seeing the bull siloetted in a field on a foggy morning, made the five night of sleeping in a soggy tent worth it. I hope you enjoy the photos.
This was my first camp, I desided to move close to a water source after the first day.
Here is my second camp tucked in the trees a little best to get out of the wind and rain.
Me moving camp
This photo was taken after I blow the stalk. Imagine a nice bull standing between the two trees. I got out of the tent a little late and desided to find a high spot in the field to glass from. I walk out of the woods and this bull was only 100 yards from my tent feed in the field. I check the wind when I first seen him, but I was in a little bit of a hole along the tree line. My wind checker showed a cross wind which was perfect for this stalk, but as I moved out of the hole the wind was blowing from me directly to the stag.
Here are some pics showing why it is so difficult to hunt the eucalyptus plantations. Your only option is to still hunt the roads.