There are alot of other good sources of information, but a couple quick answers.
If you're not shooting with some kind of shooting glove or tab, and an arm guard, get them immediately - you'll prevent a lot of pain and bad habits. Get the string well into the first joint groove on your fingers, not on the finger tips. 3 fingers under works great, as should your 7 1/2" brace height. You may try anchoring with your middle finger at the corner of your mouth to bring the arrow up under your eye - a slight canting of the bow may help too - some like it, some not. YOur arrows may be slightly stiff, might try heavy point weight, 150 - 250 grains and see how it works.
if you want to shoot instinctive, get feather fletched arrows, shoot off the shelf, and get close to your target - 10 yards or less - to start out. Concentrate on the middle of your target, not necessarily aiming with the tip of the arrow, pulling with your back, reaching and maintaining a solid anchor before release, and complete follow through on release. Try to finish the shot with your hand behind your anchor point, not to the side or down, also, keep the bow up. Shooting off the shelf brings the arrow close to your bow hand and makes "instinct" easier for many - kind of works with the anchor and 3 under as explained above. Once you gain confidence and your form is consistent, then you can work on other things.
Otherwise, your draw weight and bow sound like a great start to me. Try and find as mush information as you can, and an experienced trad shooter to shoot with.