Thanks guys! I have been out chasing them all day! It was a weird wind today (NW)and the hogs came in south of the tree I had finally set up in. I had soured corn in three spots 15-20 yards out of the tree and I had one log on the north with raspberry jelly mix on it and also on to the south...
As the sun was setting, a young hog made his way acrosse the lake and headed right to the corn pile right in front of me. He came on a straight line stopping twice to test the wind and then he dug in...For 10 minutes he dug, chewed, dug some more, ate and had himself a feast all the while keeping his head pointed straight at shot opportunity at all...then something buggered him and he spun around and left on the same line he had come in on! Oh well there will be another day and YES I did think about shooting him between the eyes! LOL Thanks again for all the advice...This species is new to me and man is it fun!