Ground Hunter,
Yes, my taper is very close to the Hildebrand Taper, but I use Douglas Fir shafts...I've used a true barrel taper (10" on the point and nock ends) on my own arrows (not much lately), but prefer the Hunter Taper when I build arrows for others, unless otherwise requested (can do any taper desired) because I think it's a better compromise between the advantageous flight characteristics of the barrel taper and the strength and good FOC of a single taper. It helps some with FOC when compared to a parallel shaft, but not a way to get higher FOC is to foot the arrows either internally or externally and use heavy points.
My tapers are very consistent (checked with a caliper) and all I use is a belt sander, 2 guide blocks clamped to the bar over the belt sander, and a cordless drill. I chuck my shafts up in a drill with some shrink tubing over the area that goes into the drill so it doesn't damage the shaft, then insert the point or nock taper into whichever guide block applies. I put a mark on the shaft where I want to taper down to then spin the shaft with the drill with the sander on and slowly lower the shaft onto the sander diagonally until the pencil mark begins to get sanded off, then I'm done. Easiest way to check the tapers to determine the position of your guide blocks is to start with your block clamped higher than you're going to need and go down until your 5/16" nocks fit on the nock end perfectly, and your 11/32" points fit on the point end perfectly.