Two stories about my now-departed little brother and deer I harvested while bow hunting but without a bow. My youngest brother was full of energy and, as an adult, that energy was probably amplified somewhat by the two quart thermos of black coffee, two packs of cigarettes and handful of cigars he carried to his stand. But he was never hesitant to launch an arrow. When he was 18, he shot a doe on a beautiful October morning near Hillman, MI. He said he hit it a little bit too far back, but his arrow didn't smell bad. The entire family plus my older brother's girlfriend spent most of the morning doing a gridded search for that deer because we couldn't find any blood. After three hours we called it off. That evening I walked to a nearby property with my brother's girlfriend, now my sister in law, and she and I hunted about 300 yards apart. As we were walking back in after dark, we saw headlights coming down the dirt road behind us. We didn't know who that could be way back in the woods after dark so we got about 20 yards off the road and laid down in a pot hole created by a large tree falling over. We watched a pickup truck roll by slowly and when it was out of sight, we got up to resume our walk in. Just then I noticed that while my future SIL was lying on one side of me, a doe was lying on the other side..dead but not yet stiff. It was the doe my brother had shot that morning. She had walked about half a mile down a ridge and curled up in that pot hole to die. I field-dressed her where she lay and carried her up the ridge and across a meadow to our cabin.
Fast forward 10 years and my little brother, with all his coffee and tobacco, was sitting on a tree stand about 150 yards away and I could see him clearly from my stand , drinking, smoking, peeing, drinking, smoking, peeing, etc. It was hilarious! But a spike walked past him just before quitting time and somehow didn't see or hear him putting down a cigar, picking up his bow and drawing. He hit the deer square in the spine. The deer tumbled over, spun around on the ground several times then got its front up and proceeded to bawl like a toddler having a temper tantrum. Once up , the deer dragged himself through the woods...directly to me! There he stopped, fell over and resumed spinning, still bawling at the top of his lungs. After less than a minute of that I got out of my stand , jumped on the deer across his neck and shoulders and finished him with a Buck 112 Ranger through the windpipe and carotid artery. My brother said that was very funny to watch from his stand and since I killed the deer I had to field dress it. Which I did and we carried it out together.
Every deer he killed had some kind of crazy story to go with it . He passed two years ago from a drug interaction...don't combine Pepto Bismol and blood thinners!