Sharpness of the broadhead is our biggest responsibility. The sharper the better; learning to do so is something we all need to be able to do.
If you have a broadhead that you cannot sharpen; then don't hunt with it.
I am going to defend the 2 blade Zwickey delta- because it is easy to get to scary sharp; and that is what you need to be able to do.
I use a mill bastard file; and in my perfect world - I strop them on thick harness leather glued to a 2x4.
The way you get a broadhead sharp; is to get each side of the broadhead on the same angle.
If you file one side; turn it over and file the other- your better off than hitting it several times on one side; then flipping it over and hitting several times on the other.
Fred Bear watched me show how to sharpen a broadhead at an Anderson Archery 'bow clinic' and said that I sharpened a broadhead faster than anyone he had ever seen.
I wallow in that and totally set aside his sense of humor
I have made recoveries from hits with a sharp broadhead that make me realize how important it is.
And not that far back we had a discussion about it here; and I kind of played devils advocate; and then realized I was believing what I was saying and - and had to stop and adjust myself to a more humble person.
Sharp is totally necessary and if your having problems with it; lets deal with it !
Most of us have a while to practice..........why not commit a dozen broadheads to learn how to sharpen them to perfection?