Originally posted by spike buck:
... It looks like I can only get a 35oz bladder for this. Doesn't sound like enough to me. I have never hunted like this before and need some opinions please...
I suggest that if you plan to stay out or might stay out buy a good water filter. Anytime you go far enough that you can use up your water supply its the deal breaker not having a filter. Not a fan of tablets myself. Do some research on water purification and decide for yourself.
An aside:
Do not let yourself come out here and skimp on drinking your water. As a wilderness guide, water consumption (or lack of it) seemed to always be the problem I would see for many visitors from more humid climates and lower elevations. The ways they llearned to recognise water consumption by the body is largely absent out here- sweaty clothes, sweat staying on skin and the biggie- at elevation you lose a lot of water just breathing.
The Pack-
The Eberlstock x2 is a great pack because its so versatile. It can expand to accomodate a lot of stuff or compress small for stealth missions. It does not weight a lot itself which is an issue with the big capacity packs. These can weight as much as 7lbs just by themselves. The suspension system is very stout.
I think the advice is right on concerning that pack. It also has a top lid pocket which I prefer on packs.
Its easy to over-load, trying to account for every possibility. Can you be comfortable using the pack for the bottom of a bivy and a small thin tarp as its main part? If so, all you need is a light sleeping bag, your clothes and pack, filter and food, a "kit" of starter etc.