I ordered a new JD Berry Renaissance for my wife last September hoping to get her into trad archery. When the bow arrived the weekend before Valentine's Day, I said to her, "Happy Valentine's Day!", with the bow as the gift. She said "Yah, right!" and did not want to have anything to do with it. Instead she told me I could have it if I am not selling it. James Berry told me the bow was her weight at her length, but it is also my weight at my length. I kept the new bow and liked it very much.
Weeks later on a late Sunday afternoon I asked my wife to have a walk with me at the archery park since the snow are all gone. We went there with the 2 Berry bows (my Appollo and the new Renaissance). Since we had 2 bows, she thought why not try shooting some. She did very well on 10 and 15 yards although she had only shot like 30 arrows before that day. The groups were better than when I first started archery.
Few days later she called me wanted to meet at the archery park after work. We walked the 3D course. She shot several bull's eye and was so excited. So she turned to me and said, "This is fun. We should do this more often. I change my mind. I am not gonna let you have this bow."
So I called James Berry to tell him what happened. He laughed and said he never heard things like this in his 30 years of making bow. But I think this is a good way to lose a bow because she starts to shoot trad archery now. (I did ordered another Renaissance from JD Berry to replace the one I lost. I don't mind waiting for long this time.)