Thanks for the kind words gentilmen.
Randy you may see them in Ft. Collins this weekend I am going to try and make it. My joints are getting better. I am having a time with stoping the check in the hardwood on inserting taper. But have more ideas to try.
Orion I figure there is not much really new anymore, just us reinventing it. The bloodwood seems to be slightly heavier than the purpleheart, but the purpleheart is more difficult to sand. I really havent weighed the different footings yet but am pleased with the longer 4" foot over the 2.5.
Bjorn thanks I agree my shorter shaft and heavey 190gr point weight help alot with my FOC, which I think is pretty good for wood shafts.
Getting FOC better flight and a heck of a lot of enjoyment out of building my own, WIN-WIN-WIN