OK, took feathers off of two arrows and here's what I found.
I used 28" 5575's out of my 51# bow with a 27" draw, flipper rest centered. My bow spine is 58 according to Stu.
With 125 gr. points, 70 gr. weights added, they weigh 458 gr. FOC is 20.3%. Dynamic Spine is 75.5 according to Stu. I paper tuned these with a 200 gr. point.
I could get them to group with the fletched shafts with 200 gr. points at 15 yards. According to Stu, the Dynamic Spine is 59.1 (close to bow). Wgt. 533 gr. FOC 24.4%.
Sounds like I need to add 75 grains. What do you think, a big point, or weight and point?
Probably be hunting pig with this arrow.