Not real exciting in the kill dept.but a very relaxing day.I am very fortunate to have two good hunting areas 1/2 hour from home and two different type of woods.One bottom land hardwoods and solid palmetto ground cover and the other pine and hardwood mixed.The rut is late October in one and after Christmas for the other so I have bucks always ready somewhere.This is my camp and my sanity when work gets me worked up.
Tom Phillips asked me to get him some copperhead skins, so of course cannot buy one now that I am loking for some.I killed this one a while back just off the porch next to B-B- Que pit in above pic.
Started looking for sheds in the woods and around pond and just enjoying the early spring colors much lighter that later in summer.Wood ducks love this corner and many others in the bayou through the woods.
After walking and stump shooting in the woods went to the pond.I found this shed in front betwen the two trees across but forget to take pic until got to the camp.I have some hunting season pics of him but never seen in the daylight.
I went ahead and jumped in the canoe and caught a few and kept a small mess for the wife and I for supper.Not big ones but eat real good.Hope this pic. stays caught on a ultralight but at least it was in a canoe which is traditional.
On the way out couple of pics.Tung oil trees in bloom company.Just an enjoyable relaxing day.Kip