I will be buying my first wooden arrows for my traditional bows. Currently I have a self longbow, and a Bear Kodiak recurve which both are 45# bows. I will be buying another traditional bow, but have not decided wether to get a longbow with a shelf or a nicer recurve with a bit more poundage of about 55# to 60# range.
The 45# bows have been great to use, since I had left shoulder surgery back in Nov 08. I have another bow that is not traditional that is set at 58# that is just great to shoot but have shot it at 70# with no problem. But I'm shedding the training wheels.
I know there are modern traditional arrows that I could use, but don't want to even though these work fine. But they are not made of wood, but metal or carbon. This is not what I want to be using with my traditional bows at all as I want a solid wood shaft to be released from my bows.
I had been thinking about the Port Orford Cedar, but after seeing the link for The Feathered Shaft, it seems that these would be even stronger and since I like heavy arrows already I figure what is the harm in getting the best wooden shafts to start out with.
I think I'm on the right road here.