If the high ring is 12 you scored 57% of max. I see people with wheel bows who can 't do that. If you hit all the targets first time out that's good, since it's your first 3d course. It's very different than shooting at targets, right?
So now I bet you'll practice differently too. Take an old basket or soccer ball, get some blunts, and throw it around the yard and shoot at it. Uphill, down, near, far. wherever it lands shoot it. If you hit the ball all the time, I bet your next 3d will be better.
Main thing is you had fun and want to do it again.
I don't even keep score. I just kind of know if I hit all the targets in the kill zone and didn't miss any. If I do I'm ok. If you plan to hunt, that's the thing. You can hit in the kill zone. You don't want to hit the bear in the a_ _ or the deer in the head, etc. You want to get the arrow in those circles. If you can do that on every target you are golden.