Next time a bunch of from up more North go, we should rent a winnabago and be able to move around and drive straight through...just avoid DC even if it means an extra 2 hrs actually "DRIVING" instead of sitting there watching the concrete bloom.
Once there, the country charm of the locals was amazing. We had a flat tire en route and found a place on Chop's GPS in a tiny town near Estill we hoped would fix it. We stopped and as soon as he had his peanuts on to 'bile' he fixed us up gooder'n good!
As Larry mentioned, country looked a bit like the E. Shore of MD down around Blackwater, but far more wildlife I'd say...and way different flora! Amazing country. It'd take me a week to really get the lay of Ray's... or a few return trips!
Hey,'s been 100 here and got hotter the farther north we came and it was dead dark 30... We lucked out big time--thanks for pullin string on the weather for us!
Hogs: Po' man's Grizzly Bar!