Man, this week has been great. It was my first time to watch the St. Jude’s Auction. Yes, I said watch mostly because I was not prepared for what happened here, and from searching this incredible giving has been going on all along.
I have been a member for a while, but not very active (for that I apologize), and setting on the sidelines. Heck, for a year or two while getting some additional college work out of the way, I did not even log-on.
My wife and I, unprepared, began to follow the auctions this past week, and watch the generosity and giving nature of folks with usually very high moral character. Yes, this describes traditional archers to a tee—people that want more challenge in their lives. Anyway, back to my point. I bought a couple of small items to help, but did not donate anything; however, after watching we both commented that will be corrected next year. We have been blessed, and even though we give and help through our church, we can do more! Maybe not 1k llc more, but more.
I applaud everyone that was involved from those that probably lost a lot of sleep while keeping the system running to the last person that bought something for the least amount of money.
“…suffer not the little children”
When does next year start?