I was asked by a friend(Butch Speer) to give him a comparison between My Howard Hill Tembo 70" 42@28 and my new Mohawk Classic(named Vango) 68" 46@28.
Well my 1st reply to him was that I couldn't tell much difference except that the grips felt different.
He said "No! I mean performance wise." So I told him I would take a set of matched arrows out and shoot them through both bows and give him a report.
Here it is: I hardly tell any differences in their performance. I shot the same arrows out of each bow and both did exactly what I expected. The arrows went where I was looking.
I shot (4)-700+ grain woodies out of each bow at 20 yards, both seemed to love that heavy arrows
In my mind if I can pull all of my arrows with one hand and at one time, each time... that's good enough for me.
By the end of my testing I was sweating like a little pig that was being chased by the big bad wolf..lol Hence my brain wasn't working. I forgot to get pictures.
I just went out again with 2 carbons(God forgive me) GT5575's.
I shot one out of each bow at 20 yards.
The 1st picture is of my target. It's a small Banty egg sized pinkish ball fixed on a wire out on front of the eternity target.
OK you be the judge... is there any difference that's significant between them?
Your Humble Servant
God bless,Mudd