Great spending time with you and Mike, Tim. Thanks for having me out and hooking me up with my first bowfishing kill. I wish that I would have had more time to spend with you guys. You'll have to come out to Oklahoma so I can return the favor.
Got into Ada a little after midnight on monday morning. Boy, was it ever hot during the day on monday. Got out for a walk on the property just before dark. My wife had seen some hog sign and that's where I headed to. Daylight was fading, so hurried to a wild plum thicket. Almost 8 acres of wild plums that I didn't even know where on the property! I headed toward the west, in the middle of the thicket, and the going was pretty noisy. I decided just to head around the eastern border of the thicket, toward the north, to see if there was anything out in the clearing to the north. While I was walking I heard a loud grunt from the thicket. I thought that I might have spooked the but I didn't hear it run off. I hurried to the northern end of the thicket, since the wind was very slight and out of the south. When I got to the north end of the property, I heard more grunting and squealing. No way of knowing, but I'm sure that there was at least 7 or 8 hogs in there. The problem was that they were behind a thick wall of brush. Since I wasn't very familiar with the thicket, I opted to sit tight and hope that something came out into the clearing. I was only around 10 yards from the hogs at this point. I forgot my thermacell, and light was fading fast. I decided to sneak forward and look for an opening in/through the brush. Each way that I tried was a dead-end, and I ended up backing out and making a counter-clockwise circle to the northeast. I finally found an opening, but my motion spooked a hog. I froze, and still heard hogs feeding and saw brush moving. As daylight faded, I had a 125 lb. hog at 7 yards, but it didn't give me a clear enough shot with the lighting conditions. I backed out the way I came in and made for home, hoping not to spook them out of there. There is a peninsula of woods with a creek in it just to the south of the plum thicket and a patch of hardwoods to the west. In around an hour and a half, I'm gonna try it again. See what I can do with a little more daylight.
Oh yeah. I was wearing blue jeans, black tee-shirt, tan baseball cap, and old-spice deodorant. Gotta love using the wind.