My first self bow was from the lilac bush, I was four, I killed a dove with it that was on the neighbors fence. The next one was a lemon wood with recurve sort a tips, so slow that I didn't dare to shoot it into a strong breeze. The next one, lightening hit the neighbors ash tree and stripped off a long chunk. A farmer that made bows out of osage fence posts came and explained that lightening fried ash makes a good bow wood. He made one for himself and for me a Hill style with a sinew backing, 38 pounds at 26". The local bunnies should have declared that day a day of morning, it was deadly. The fastest self wood bow that I ever shot was an old yew. Almost a flat limb, with a sinew backing. It had been in use since the 20s. It was on its fourth generation. They let me take a few shots with it. Fast, silent, stable, accurate, the bow had it all.