Recently I posted on the classifieds looking for a Sticshooter knife, well "Papa" (Mike Boone) got in touch and had one. Well the big kicker is that I just recieved his Stic knife today in the mail as a gift, goodness he has never used it. He wouldn't hear of me trading him something, paying or at the very least covering shipping. Just asked me to put it to use and pass the good will to someone else at some point, and I certainly will. With that said, I am one of the eight I believe that are owed a bow from Turkey Creek. I am out since July last year. Needless to say, most of you know the things that have been going on with TC, not good. I probably won't get my bow, and definitely not a dime of my money back. But I thought Doug was trying to dig his self out, and figured we all fall on hard times. But in Mike doing this, he has given me a boost of trust and seeing the good in folks. I just wanted to publically thank Mike, hope it's ok with him.