Hello! I live in South Eastern PA and am looking for somewhere to go this upcoming Deer Season. My first year hunting with a bow was last year and I shot at three deer and missed all three. (Pick a spot!) It was the most exciting time I have had in a long time.
Well, I have that crazyness going in my head again and am looking for some type of hunting camp for this upcoming season. I don't have a lot of money so I can't put a lot out for a lease. I want to talk to some other hunters that have experience. So finding a group of Traditional Hunters that would allow me to hang out and hunt at their hunting camp occured to me.
I am willing to drive anywhere in a 500 mile radius. If you have a plan to go hunting and could use an extra person along, please let me know. I have my tag for buck in PA already and need to send in for Doe in about 10 days. Yeah, I sent the request for a doe tag in the day I bought my buck tag. I was a month early. This is making me crazy!
Please let me know.