Too bad the experiences are so divergent. Though impossible, would be interesting to know how many folks have had bad experiences with Meindel, Hanwag, Kenetrek, Lowa, Danner, Asolo and other high dollar boots.
I had a pair of the high dollar mountain hunting boots made in Italy. They absolutely wrecked both my feet on a high-mileage caribou hunt in the NWT. I went to Russell Moccasin for my HCH boots. A year later I was back in the NWT on the same hunt. I put on some serious miles through rock, water and muskeg wearing the HCH and I never even had so much as a hot spot on my feet. Quite a contrast to the supposedly superior boots built in Europe or Asia.
I was wearing the Russells when I stalked and killed the caribou in my avatar image. I most recently abused them on a lion hunt in Utah. I basically beat crap out them chasing hounds through the canyonlands. Again...not a blister or sore spot.
I can't speak for more than the one pair I've owned, but they've satisfied me way better...and outlasted several pairs of $150 - $300 boots. They're a good value to me.
If you think building a custom bow is hard, imagine trying to build custom boots... ;-)