The following is a patial list of carbon arrow shaft sizes and the aluminum shaft that is appropriate to foot them with.
If you have any additions that can be made to this list, email or PM me and I'll update this thread.
Beman MFX Classics
500 - 2020
400 - 2018
340 - 2016
Beman ICS Bowhunters
500 - ?
400 - 2114
340 - ?
300 - ?
ST Epic
600 - 2016
ST Excell
500 - 2016
Axis ST
500 - 1916
400 - 1916
340 - 2020/2018
300 - 2016
Carbon Express Heritage
90 - ?
150 - 2216
250 - 2216
350 - 2215
Carbon Express Terminators
4560 - 2216
5060 - 2216
6075 - 2216
Arrow Dynamic
Lite - 2413
Reg - 2413
Gold Tip Traditional
3555 - 2117
5575 - 2216
7595 - ?
Old Beman Classics
500 - ?
400 - ?
340 - 2219
Old Carbon Excell
400 - 2117
Hunt Sharp