I used Bear Razorheads for about 30 years of my 45 years bowhunting. I stopped using them about 15 years ago (reluctantly) because I didn't think they were keeping up with better made broadheads. I loved how easy the Bears were to make hair-shaving sharp with only vertical crock sticks. I didn't like the bleeder blades at all (they are designed to be fragile but they were too fragile for me). I haven't seen a Bear Razorhead fo 4-5 years, at least. IT appears to me the Magnus Stinger (2-blade) is better built and that's what I'm planning to use this year. This is my first year back to traditional in a very long time. I shot many varieties of multiple blade broadheads with my compounds when I stopped using the Bears. I really like the 3-blade G-5 Striker with my compound but I'm going to be using mid-40# recurves to hunt with and I'm afraid to use anything but 2-blade broadheads.