Thanks to another member on tradgang who told me to shoot one arrow at a time last spring, I have been shooting better than ever, I shoot from 5 to 35 yards, and plan to extend my range a bit more as my confidence allows, never from the same distance twice, I take my shot and then walk back get the single arrow and walk back to another spot and take another single shot, that is the only way I can slow myself down between shots no matter how hard I try, also it gives me time to mentally prepare for the next shot and really helps me to concentrate on my form for some reason. Also, I never pay any attention to the distance I am shooting at, I just let my brain program itself, and taking one shot at a time from different distances really helps me to achieve that. I shoot 21 shots in the morn and 21 most eves, it takes about 35 minutes for one session, I used to shoot alot more within that same time period, but I was not shooting nearly as well, so shooting less arrows is well worth the extra time it takes. DK.