I would have to say that given both bows that suit you, handle grip is good, speed is about the same, etc., I had a Shadow longbow that I just could not miss with. Getting older and hanging it up for a while was a mistake. I shot it at the Muzzy one year and on the first round nocked off 17 targets...best I have ever done there with any bow. However, I do really like my DAS bow but I think my snap shooting style has evolved back more towards my old competitive style of shooting. That had to do with the fact that I nearly lost my left eye four years ago and it doesn't work quite as well as it did. Since then my shooting style has become more deliberate and conscious so the feel is not the same any more. I doubt that I could snap shoot that longbow as well as I did even if I could handle it. But, for me, the answer to your question would be the longbow....as long as it was a good "fit" for you.