Both Black Widow and Bob Lee, to pick two prominent recurve manufacturers, have instructions in the information they send with their bows for correcting limb twist. Limb twist is not that uncommon, and can be corrected by the user if caught early. Limb twist will probably get worse if left alone. I'm sure that any bowyer will be happy to correct limb twist in their bows if you send the bow back to them, but the sad fact is, once limb twist appears, it will probably come back, so it probably pays to learn how to correct it yourself, as they don't have any magic way of doing it at the factory so it stays fixed.
It's easier if you see it visually in the manuals and videos that come with the bows, but basically, you look down the bowstring from each end of the strung bow, holding the recurved end in the cupped palm of your hand. If you notice limb twist, you twist the recurved end in the opposite direction and hold it there for a few seconds, then check it again, repeating as necessary until the limb twist goes away.
Like an STD, it's something nobody wants to find, but at least you don't have to go to the doctor to get it cured if you find it early enough.