When I crashed out hunting last year, it crossed my mind that no one would find me and my cell phone would not pick up a signal where I was at the time. The result, I took a one mile trek with a numb leg and shooting pain in my back that caused me to pass out and have a major panic attack, and one new Hill longbow that I left alongside my vehicle when I left. When I returned a half hour later when realized I was not having a heart attack, it was gone. All that for not seeing the work of a badger in the dark and the added panic of being stranded. Peace of mind is important, I would even consider a satellite phone if I were to be in steep remote country, but then a cripple like me should not be in steep rocky country. I was reminded of that when I was falling down a steep granite slope this summer with my favorite canoe in Canada last June. One little junk of caribou moss caused that one, you just never know.