At your draw you will want medium or perhaps long ILF limbs. ILF limb length is chosen to fit your draw length for maximum efficiency, along with setting the preload( how tight the bolts are turned in) 17" riser and medium limbs yields 60" bow, 62" bow with long limbs. You could shoot the mediums turned out about half way or go with longs and tighten the bolts a little more. 21" riser and mediums yield a 64" bow. I would not tighten the limbs bolts all the way in with mediums and your draw. You would be stressing a short limb with your draw length which may shorten its life. 58" shoots very well for my son with his 26" draw. If you tightened the limbs bolts all the way with short limbs and drew to 29 the limbs would not perform very well. So all the lengths shoot well if set up properly. Hope that helps.