I promised y'all some pics of my Anneewakee Addiction bow, "Blackie", in action, after I picked up my new Kanati "Slim Jim" broadhead quiver. Well the last three days have been to gloomy/rainy to go climbing in the trees - so I'll do that later. However we were given a little opening in the skies this afternoon for some pictures and shooting - on the ground.
Loaded quiver = 3 BHs and a field tip rider - just "hangin' aroun'" (on a black, wrought iron plant hanger rod):

Back side, for a clearer look at the "rider" arrow - look close, you'll see a small round pad on the quiver hood, behind the tip, to cusion the point - prevents rattles:

Closer look of the same two views:

Then it was time for a few shots (both, camera and arrows - LOL) on my back yard range, so here's both sides of Blackie and (a full) Slim Jim, at (my) full draw:

I shot a second course saturday after the Slim Jim was attached. The only difference I noticed, other, than looks and convenience, was that the relatively small increase in weight seemed to steady my bow arm down some. I'll tell you, I love that, and it.