A couple of weeks ago I placed a request for a low poundage bow. It was for my 16 yr old cousin Blaze. Blaze stayed at my house for a week on his summer break. Blaze is a great kid. Loves to go fishing and is on the swim team back home. He comes from a non hunting family but loves the outdoors. When he came over and saw my bows well, that was it. He just wanted to shoot.Everyday he would practice with my bow but my bow was a little to heavy and he was having trouble coming to full draw and anchor. Soon after I placed the add Phil (Selfbow19953) generously offered to send Blaze a bow. The perfect bow for Blaze, a Ben Pearson 64” 40@28. Before the bow was delivered Blaze had to go home which is 2 hours away. Well, this weekend, every ones schedule meshed and Blaze and his family came over. Blaze was so excited and loved his new bow. He shot it very well, he needs more practice but it’s a perfect fit for him.
Selfbow19953, thank you very much.
Here are a few pics of Blaze, his brother and my son, Zac. Hope you enjoy them.
This is Blaze

Blazes brother Steel

My son Zac

All three of them.