Perfectly that is, right into the log about 2" from the top!
Here you can see the arrow stuck in the log in a pic from my trail cam.
The bear jumped and trotted away about 10 feet. I was standing out in the open and the bear stared a hole through me as I tried to make like a tree. He finally started feeding again and I sunk back behind the stump and gathered my composure and another arrow.
At this point I was now a physical and mental wreck. You'd think I was shooting a huge pissed off grizzly or something! I got calmed down as much as I was going to and tried it again.
I repeated the same process of getting in position. The bear was even more figety now and I drew and let down several more times. I really should have passed on this shot but when I got an opening I let it fly. The arrow flight was bad from the begining. I think I may have caught some sleeve above my arm guard. That arrow fishtailed low and right. It must have glanced off his belly then took a chunk out of a log beneath him. He took off and made about a 30 yard circle and stood out in the brush looking at the bait. He sat down for a bit then came back into the bait and ate a bit more. He then stepped over the logs and calmly walked away.
I knew the shot was bad and prayed he hadn't taken it in the guts. After about 15 minutes I walked over and found one 1/4" spot of blood. I went back to my stump and sat down to replay the whole event.
After about 5 minutes of mentally bashing my brains out I looked out to my front and saw this odd black spot between two trees about 50 yards out. I caught movement and knew it was another bear.