That stick tite glove is a different animal. What I did is on the bottom of the finger tips, I trimmed in the U shape with a good pair of short leather scissors so that when I bend my fingers to grab the string, the leather does not push against my other finger joints. In other words, make sure you have enough leather to still grab the string, but the U cut will continue past where it stops now so that you get a better fit and freedom of movement when you bend your fingers. It took me a while to trim them to my liking, but they work great now. I just don't have them broken in enough yet to use. I have been using the similar glove by widow that just wraps over the top. I find if you get the finger tip overlays, you have to basically cut them off if you really want it to fit as they will come unstitched if you trim the glove. The overlays tend to be too long. Thus I just use the single layer thickness widow glove or stick tite glove so I can tailor it to fitting me correctly. Hope this helps.