Dave19113, I think you make some good points.
I've been watching the survival shows lately, and have tried to just lower my expectations, realize these are TV shows, and keep an open mind about learning something. Of course they are edited to build suspense, drama, etc. to try to hook you for an hour. Come on, it would be a tall order for even a Comanche on horseback to run down and arrow a turkey, what chance does a dude running through sage brush really have? But a few minutes later he used his bow and arrow on a cottontail at 10 feet, and it looked like he got a piece of it too, but the rabbit ran off a ways with his arrow and got away. I realize these shows are staged and edited, but I think I have learned something I didn't know each time I watched one. Fire starting, ideas about shelter, did you know you can boil water in a plastic bottle over a fire and the bottle doesn't melt. I didn't. Yep, parts of these shows are good for a laugh sometimes, but if you can watch one and not learn some survival skill about primitive living, health safety, woodcraft, etc., my hat is off to you. Plus they are filmed most of the time in parts of the world where I sure would like to be with my longbow and lots of arrows, and seeing that country on a survival level is kind of cool.
Oh, and Killdeer, I believe you to be quiet and deadly ... and funny!