Just to run a formula past you that I use, told me by Danny Rowan:
Your actual draw weight plus five: ~55.5 + 5 = 60.5
Plus five if using low-stretch string: 60.5 + 5 = 65.5
Plus five if cut past centre: 65.5 + 5 = 70.5
Plus five for every inch of arrow over 28": 70.5 + 7.5 = 78
Plus five if using tips over 160 grains: Not applicable, remains 78
So, I'd be looking at getting shafts that are 75/80#.
A lot of fellows won't like what I've got to say, buy I honestly believe that with a modern, centre-cut recurve, there is almost no such thing as too stiff, but there is easily such a thing as too weak. Out of my Black Widow PCHx, shooting 69.5# at 29.5", I cannot tell the difference between 95/100# shafts (which the formula recommends for the 160 grain broadheads I use) and 105/110# shafts. These latter are for my 83# at 29" Schafer Silvertip, but work just as well out of the lighter bow. The sow that I shot through didn't realise that the arrow was too stiff. Too weak, on the other hand, and those arrows are all over the place.