I have a Mathews Z7. It is a terrific bow and I'm very accurate and super confident with it. I have no shooting issues.
I hunted with recurves from 1966-1974 (deer since 1969). I hunted with compounds from 1975-2009 with a brief stint with a Fox High Sierra recurve in 2001 (new spot, small bucks, no shooting).
I've been very serious about making a permanent switch since Decemeber 2009 (after another successful season with my compound (Reezen 7.0 last year). I tried to make the switch starting December 2008 but damaged a shoulder tendon in my drawing arm carrying lumber for a DIY project at home. It took until August to heel--no time for recurve development.
I've hunted the past two days (opening weekend here) with my recurve and absolutely LOVE IT! I haven't had a shot yet but I had 4 bucks and doe, the last buck easy PY -- they were quartered towards me up to 26 yards. They walked behind my tree (cedar)at 15 yards. Problem was I didn't have a clear shot behind the tree.
My intentions are to hunt in KY (Home) with the recurve where I have lots of time, know my area well, and can arrange to get 15-20 yards shots. However, I also shoot my compund about once weekly (I shoot the curve multiple times daily). I'm planning to hunt with the compund in Indiana about 9 days. BUT...I know if I kill the kind of buck I'm hunting for in Indiana I will get a much bigger thrill if I do so with the recurve. I'm hoping to tag a couple of deer here in KY during September. Then, when I head to Indiana for my first hunt around mid-October I might just leave the compound home.
I'm pretty sure I will convert 100% to the recurve. I'll miss my compound and having twice the effective range (at least) that I'll probably ever have with the recurve. By the way, I wouldn't have shot at the deer this morning with a compound either because the shot was a frontal quartering.
My last deer with a recruve was in 1974 -- a doe. I'm looking forward to updating that timeline any day now!