Randy after that bull you killed I am ready to go back! Congrats again buddy.
Buckwheaties: I deboned the meat as I was packing by myself. 2 miles one way. Each game bag weighed about 50 pounds and contained all the meat from one side of the elk, minus the backstraps which were in my day pack. I made 3 trips total. First with backstraps, internal tenderlions, and hide. Was able to lash the hide to my daypack with bungy cord and put the sweet meat in a trash bag I always keep in my pack for this purpose and for emergency shelter.
It really wasn't that bad. I was done by 2 am. Plus the climbs were not that awful. Nothing like the hunts I have been on in the Rio Grande NAt'l Forrest in CO. The elevation here was only around 9000 ft. I used my day pack for all of it. I just put the game bags inside the trash bag and slid it in side my daypack then used a bungie cord. I didn't have my pack frame as I flew to my spot. I tried this out at home with 50# of agriculture lime in my day pack and it worked. So, everything went to plan.
Note about my equipment: 55# at 28 Great Plains Longbow that I draw to 29, bought used off this site, Trad Only 3Rivers arrow with a normal insert and a 350 gr Woodsman Elite BH from a sponsor here. Fletching made from goose feathers from Rob's tutor on this very site...String by Oliver Stacy on this site. I see a THEME here
Thanks again everyone. It was fun...now after seeing Randy's bull my bags are packed for next year as I hope to draw that unit and find one like his