Here's how I look at it, right or wrong. This is an over exageration, but it will explain why I think your draw weight will increase. Imagine this, draw your bow back and anchor up, then have someone measure the distance from tip to tip at full draw. Now string the bow with a new string using that measurement. Now lets say it's a 50# bow at 28". With the shorter string installed the bow is already pre-loaded to 50#. Even if you only have to draw the bow 6" now to get to anchor, your having to start at 50#. Depending on the bow, you could see an increase of 2lbs for every inch of draw from that point. Make sense?
This is my first post, hopefully it's helpfull. Just getting into traditional archery after many years of shooting wheelie bows. Have been learning alot reading the posts on this sight. Thanks!