I suggest reading it closely, and comparing notes with people who have paid their dues in the sport and have proven themselves in the public arena. Better yet, buy a book or video from one of these individuals who actually has paid their dues in the sport, at least somewhere other than on a message board.
I used to talk with him on various topics on a different site. This is a guy who has argued with the likes of Rick McKinney, Rod Jenkins, and even the HOYT owner's manual. His claim to fame? As best I can tell, playing "Robin Hood" at a rennesance fair and coaching scouts.
He's been asked countless times to provide any kind of credentials--hunting or shooting--I never saw him answer the many times I saw him asked.
I've seen him make ridiculous statments and defend them vehemently, i.e.: bow tiller means absolutely nothing (regarding split finger or 3-under); that bowyers who offer tillering options (even when they don't charge for it) either don't have a clue what they are doing, are just con artists, or both; practically all custom bowyers (other than one or two that he likes) are unreliable, work from "basements or garages", and may be here today and gone tomorrow; how the nock fits on the string is unimportant; etc. etc. etc.
I haven't read the book, and don't intend to. I have been told there is some accurate information in it, but mostly very basic information.
I mean no disrespect to those who enjoy the book, but the fact is the guy is a nobody who's done nothing other than garner a following on a message board or two. Ask him for credentials and you'll probably get a dose of the "real" person behind the book. I have very low tolerance for "posers".