use thicker rivercane.
take a wire coathanger and straighten it out....
take out all the inside nodes , and fill it up from the nock end with as much play sand as you want for weight....
then take some wadded up newspaper with gorilla glue or tb2-3 and push down so it "caps" the sand in tight.
then usewhatever fish point u like.
i like primitive tackle.
your shots are usualy not too far so keep your arrows long and heavy, no fletching, cause with all that weight forward and a string attached a little behind the tip..the string that follows keeps the nock end fairly straight in flight...for fish, its just fine.
just use about 20-30 feet of that dacron hand trolling line..attach behind point , run back about 12 inches and put a half hitch in , then do the same all the way back and bam. yer fish hunting with the natives.