Well its perty simple. The friendly attitude i see. Now ive seen people beet a dead horse, and a few disagreements. But no big deal.
Im a member of a civil war reenacting forum for "authentic" reenactors. On their people have an elitist snobby attitude. So much back stabbing, politics and name calling etc goes on on the forum. NOBODY can git along. Post are forever gittin shut down.
Give you an example of the friendly atmosphere. I just read a post about sharpening single bevel broadheads. Now theirs plenty of information bout that on here. But on the other forum if youd ask something simple youd git about3 or 4 snobbish comments sayin USE the search funtion, theyd prolly insult ur common sense and computer skills a lil bit too. Then the modertator would shut the thread down...but not be4 he says "use the search function".
What did our curious fellow git from you guys?? Tons of links to where he could find what he was lookin for as well as tons of informative comments. You guys are absolutely GREAT. I love gitn on here n readin n learnin. You fellows are much better and more hospitable than my civil war buddies on their forum. Thanks guys!!!
Hunter Smith.