Wow thanks guys!
I'm gonna have to follow up on that lexington harbor and blk river tip!
I was with the kids, using minnows and bobbers, who would be extremely bored just sitting on the rocks, so we hung out on the inside where some guys had landed 2 the entire day. If it's just me, or me and another adult, I'll go out to the rocks...but the kids don't have quite that amount of patience just yet unless the fish are really hittin'...
I might just do that!! We're saving up for a 10-day trip to Georgia on an island off the coast, but I may be able to squeak a Saturday or Sunday in for something along the banks with the kids...
We're leaving on June long does the carp and sucker run last?? And which park? A state park? I gotta get my annual sticker again..
Thanks Again Guys!!!!