Hey all! Last season I changed my arrow set-up for whitetail. After reading about FOC I started fooling around. I ended up with perfect arrow flight bare shafting by bringing my tip weight up to 200 grains and cutting the shaft length down to 26.5". My FOC and total arrow weight(grains) fell into a good range for me with this set-up. I felt this was a good move for me since I only pull 40#. It has proven to give me great penetration. I am very confident with this set-up on deer. I have had complete pass through with no problems.
Now I find that I shoot the shorter/heavier tipped arrows with more accuracy than my longer shafts with 125 grain heads that I use for small game. I do get longer range with the lighter arrows. Yet, I do not take long range shots on game. I would like to shorten my small games shafts and bring my tip weight up. (I know I do not need more FOC for small game.) I just practice with my deer set-up, therefore have better accuracy with that set-up. When it comes to small game, 1 inch off can be HUGE! What do you all recommend to do this without changing my tips? I have a good collection of small game tips and would like to keep them. I am shooting aluminums.