I am SO needing this season.
Tons of stuff going on, none of it good, and it seems that I am wishing my life away, week by week, wishing it were Sunday so that I can do what I want.
No hunting on Sunday, here.
Today I went to the supervisor to be sure that my leave, which I had set up in May, was still on the books.
Big clusterpluck. He said I was on the "waiting list" for the Saturday of Columbus Day weekend, my first taste of my hunting woods. I showed him a copy of my leave request, with my dated signature. The supervisor at that time had not signed this copy. I knew that a signed copy should be in the leave book, but the man could not find it. Also on this sheet, was an unsigned request for leave for my three weeks in the woods in late October, so I was spitting bricks. Starting to cry a little.
I searched my locker and found the signed forms.
I would not have to climb the Tower after all.
Killing game is good. Not a requisite to me, but very good, a sign of inclusion on the grandest scale there is. The whole of the cosmos accepts me and I take my sacrament.
Being in the woods is necessary. I want to be somewhere where I do not see anybody, I do not want to even see anything that a human has made.
I need the time wherein I can decide what I want to do, need to do, and do it. No boss, no familial or social obligations, just me being mindful of the workings of the Earth and its time, and doing what feels right within those rhythms.
Right now, I find it hard to concentrate, be polite, be accurate in my work. I guess I am a bit burned out.
I need to go hunting.